Our Team

Jacob Edward Arredondo

Jacob finished his marketing degree in three years but added two additional majors to avoid growing up.

Twilight Arredondo

Jake has a supply chain degree. This means that he spent 10+ classes memorizing Excel formulas.


He left school two classes short of a finance degree because the market is rigged and long-term holding is boring.

Jacob Edward

Jake knows HTML and CSS. Please note, these skills have absolutely nothing to do with cyber security.

Jake Edward

His last official job title was "Senior Strategic Partnerships Manager." No matter the cost, he gets deals done.


He has experience working with Fortune 500 legal departments but is not great at hostile takeovers.

Jacob Edward

He cofounded a water purification company and won 10+ awards. Now, he plans on using the tech to fight fires.

Jacob Edward Arredondo

Look, if you had, one shot, for immunity, the vaccine is everything you ever wanted. In one moment, would you Pfzer it, or just get sick?

Human Resources
Twilight Arredondo

Graphic Design
Jacob Edward

He has 7,000+ hours of Photoshop experience but only uses his self-taught skillset for making jokes.

Twilight Arredondo

Jake has worked on multiple multi-million dollar contracts with legal executives and hates the term "red-lined copy."

Front-End Development
Jacob Edward

Jake knows html and CSS. These skills are a lot like murder hornets in that they sound cool but are relatively useless.

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